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turboDial, Sales Pro Version

Click-to-Dial voice communicator for Infusionsoft, with choices for call origination device, automated notes on the contact record, call recording, and leave automated message after hangup.

$29.95 / month
$29.95 1 $29.95
Subtotal $29.95

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SETTING UP AND USING THE SOFTWARE ACCOMPANYING THIS LICENSE INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. READ ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT PRIOR TO USING THE SOFTWARE. By use of the software, you are acknowledging that you have fully read and accepted the Terms and Conditions and waive any defenses against enforcement of said Terms and Conditions.

Please note that you are prohibited from using, copying, selling, marketing, modifying or transferring the program, copies thereof or any documentation associated with the program, except as expressly provided under these Terms of Use.

  1. The software is owned by Agency Automate, LLC
  2. The extent of your rights is a revocable license, which license can be revoked and withdrawn at any time.
  3. Use of the software is intended for integrating an online telephony service with Infusionsoft™, and no other.
  4. You agree to keep the email sources of,, and white listed in your email server and client.
  5. You agree to not "opt-out" of email received from the owner while your account is active.
  6. The software is used at your own risk and there are no warranties, implied or express, regarding fitness for a particular purpose or functionality.
  7. The software may be discontinued at any time, without notice and subscriptions shall be considered non-refundable.
  8. Use of the software is at your own risk and by using the software you agree that the provider shall NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES IN ANY FORM RESULTING FROM ANY USE, INTENTIONAL OR UNINTENTIONAL, OF THE SOFTWARE BY YOU, THE USER. You specifically waive any claims for damages in any form arising from the downloading and use of the software. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in any event, no monetary compensation will exceed the amount of the subscription paid.
  9. You are allowed to stop using the software and cancel your subscription at any time and for any reason. Upon cancellation you will no longer be charged and you are not elgible for refunds of prior-months' charges.



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